What Food Allowed By God to Human

What should be eaten

This question is very confusing when someone have no fix rule that what to eat

As in science we can belive only on that theories that are proved by scientists or that are written in Approved books of science

Alike that in human life what should be done or how to be done is can be read in holy books.
Holy books like The Bible And The Vedas etc

In Bible 
Holy Bible Genesis 1:29
God said, “I give you every seed-bearing plant on the face of the whole earth & every tree that has fruit with seed in it. They will be yours for food.
God did not order to eat meat.

This is enough to prove that human should be vegetarian because God ordered us to eat only green plants and vegetables.

Some Saint Said that Supreme God has forbidden to eat meat.
You kill God's beings for your own interests. When your account will be called for in the court of God, then no one can save you.
In The World's first holy scripture The Vedas there are no word like meat or flesh means God Ordered only to be vegetarian everywhere.

Saint Rampal Ji Maharaj Said All living beings are the children of Supreme God. That Supreme God can never be pleased if one harms or kills another creature for fulfilment of one's own desire or taste.

 So Eating meat is a sin and Also a Danger for Existence of Mankind because many deadly disease like Coronab, Swine flue, Hiv Aids, Nipah, Etc ware came from Animals

So Be Vegetarian Be Happy.

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